Stop Putting Out Fires (Workbook Edition)

Building a More Efficient and Profitable Law Practice

Jeremy W. Richter

Publisher: Scarlet Oak Press

Available in: E-book

ISBNs: 978-1-7336655-2-0 (E-book)

Stop Putting Out Fires gave you ideas to have a more efficient practice, more effective relationships with your clients, and a more systematic approach for managing your caseload. The Workbook Edition adds to that approach with three different types of material:

  1. "Questions to Consider" poses critical thinking questions on particular topics and proposes methods of self-assessment.
  2. "Further Consideration" shares additional ideas and thoughts on the topic since Jeremy W. Richter first released Stop Putting Out Fires.
  3. "Further Reading" is ... well ... exactly what it sounds like – additional reading on the particular topic or one adjacent to it.

Stop Putting Out Fires (Workbook Edition) remains committed to helping you build a more productive practice by focusing on three areas:

  • Have happier clients by better understanding their needs and establishing strong relationships.
  • Get better results through more effective case management and litigation strategies.
  • Make more money — not by working more hours — but by setting goals and working more effectively.

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The Workbook Edition of Stop Putting Out Fires is available as an e-book exclusively on Amazon, so if you're a Kindle Unlimited subscriber, you can obtain it as a part of your membership.

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