Stop Putting Out Fires (Workbook Edition)
Building a More Efficient and Profitable Law Practice
Jeremy W. Richter

Publisher: Scarlet Oak Press
Available in: E-book
ISBNs: 978-1-7336655-2-0 (E-book)
Stop Putting Out Fires gave you ideas to have a more efficient practice, more effective relationships with your clients, and a more systematic approach for managing your caseload. The Workbook Edition adds to that approach with three different types of material:
- "Questions to Consider" poses critical thinking questions on particular topics and proposes methods of self-assessment.
- "Further Consideration" shares additional ideas and thoughts on the topic since Jeremy W. Richter first released Stop Putting Out Fires.
- "Further Reading" is ... well ... exactly what it sounds like – additional reading on the particular topic or one adjacent to it.
Stop Putting Out Fires (Workbook Edition) remains committed to helping you build a more productive practice by focusing on three areas:
- Have happier clients by better understanding their needs and establishing strong relationships.
- Get better results through more effective case management and litigation strategies.
- Make more money — not by working more hours — but by setting goals and working more effectively.
Copyright © 2025, Scarlet Oak Press, a division of Richter Holdings, LLC